Five Food Parts You’re Tossing, That You Should Be Eating

A lot of us get the recommended levels of nutrients and vitamins from eating junk foods and tossing some food parts which are otherwise immensely beneficial. Humans unfortunately throw away some of the most nutritious parts of whole foods for no good reason.

According to a study conducted in 2017, as much as 5.9 grams of dietary fiber or 23 percent of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adult women containing significant amounts of protein, vitamin D, calcium, and potassium is tossed per person each day.

We tend to discard produce skins and stems, that are important sources of additional fiber and nutrients. Consuming them can help you eat more as the outer layer of fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources antioxidants because that’s where plants require them, as a means of protection from UV damage and pests.
Here are five food parts you can stop tossing and start eating to get more value from.

The Peels Of Orange
Large amounts of nutrients can be found in the pith and peel of an orange. The pith is the white stringy part around the flesh and it contains the phytonutrient herperidin, which has been shown to significantly lower blood cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and decrease inflammation.

The pith and peel contain the fiber, pectin, that helps to provide bulk and a feeling of fullness. The best thing is to keep the pith on when peeling the fruit, but if you have a problem with the slightly bitter taste, you can eat them along with any sweet treat.

The Top Of Carrots
The delicate green fronds you find at the top of carrots are packed with six times the amount of vitamin A you find in the orange root. Turn them into a food processor with a little oil, cheese, and nuts to make a great pesto or use them to make a grain salad.

The Rinds Of Watermelon
The Rinds Of Watermelon are very much edible and they are a natural source of citrulline, an amino acid that helps relax and dilate arteries, which is good for blood pressure. It is best to go for organic while you can. Quick-pickle them to make a refreshing snack with zing that makes a fun addition to your meals or eat them raw as the case may be.

The Skin Of The Cucumber
There’s no good reason to peel the skin of cucumbers as they contain much more nutrients than the flesh. Cucumber skin is especially rich in Vitamin K, which supports bone health and blood clotting.

The important thing is to wash it well to remove the wax coating often applied to prevent bruising during transport. Slice, grate or skin as the case may be. Add to salads and smoothies, or blend into into a soup.

Broccoli and Cauliflower Stems/Leaves

Broccoli and cauliflower are some of the most healthiest vegetables you can find and you can get the best from them by eating up every bit. These veggies have loads of beta carotene, antioxidants, and folate, and they are delicious to say the least.

All you need do is chop and sauté or add them to your soups to get a boost in your fiber content. You can also choose to grate them into a veggie slaw or salad.
Five Food Parts You’re Tossing, That You Should Be Eating Five Food Parts You’re Tossing, That You Should Be Eating Reviewed by Chris Jordan on October 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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