Sweet revenge of an ex girlfriend
Season 3 episode 4, 5 & 6
"Sister, its all part of the game. OK, come to my room let me explain everything" 
"What game? Linda, you are playing games with me" Fred cut in, looking ferocious 
Shocked Linda looked up, and saw Fred, who was standing to hear what she was meaning to 
"I'm asking you, what game are you talking about, and I'm sure that game has something to 
do with me, because I clearly heard my name" Fred did not actually hear his name, he only 
wanted to clear his suspicion concerning the game they were talking about. 
Mercy had already understood what was happening, she then made up an act to control the 
"Linda, we have nothing to talk about. This has been your way right from the day that swine 
entered your life. You don't see any evil in his eyes, but you clearly do when it comes to 
another person. Reason I came here is to tell you that, that marriage will never take place. Did 
you hear me, Linda? Over my dead body will I allow this cursed Union to take place. Just 
watch and see." Mercy said, looking very angry as she walked away. 
Immediately she left, Linda added her own action to the one Mercy already exhibited. 
"You see why I was against telling people about this, and now she has found out. Things will 
now take a different shape. I know my sister, and the things she can do. And now, she is not 
bluffing, she meant every words she said. But the question is, how did she found out, did you 
tell anybody that I'm the one you are getting married to?" 
", except my sister and mother and I told them to be discrete, that another ear 
should not hear it" 
"Then how did she find out?"
Season 5 & 6 
Fred then remembered that his sister and Mandy were still keeping a close contact. "Could it 
be she told Mandy?" He soliloquies 
"You said something?" Linda asked, observing him, to know if he bought their act. And from 
his reaction, he was so tensed that Mercy might destroy his plans of getting married to her. 
"Fred, you said something just now" Linda asked 
And Fred who saw himself as making a mistake decided to beg Linda for them to have their 
way immediately before Mercy try something stupid. 
"But we don't have cash at the moment" 
"Don't worry, I have already gotten the money. It was deposited into my account" 
"Good to know. So, how many people are coming for the wedding?" 
"Linda, I had initially had the intention of inviting as many people as I want, but from the 
look of things, I want it to be only my siblings, my mother said she is not coming." 
"OK, I would like to have their names and their passport. We need to start preparing their 
travel documents right away." Linda was still speaking when Mercy's text message beeped 
her phone 
"Linda, please try and see me as soon as possible, I'm anxious to hear the game you were 
talking about. You can come to my house, I'm driving straight home right now" the message 
"Um, I would like to talk to my Maid of honour, to also seek for her opinion on the colour my 
bridesmaid will wear" Linda said, dialing Mercy's number, acting as if she was talking to her 
Chief Bridesmaid. 
"Hello, Isabella... how far? Please I need to see you right now, its urgent. ....... Yes, it's about 
my wedding. We need to see so that you will help me choose the colour, you know we don't
Season 6
Fred then remembered that his sister and Mandy were still keeping a close contact. "Could it 
be she told Mandy?" He soliloquies 
"You said something?" Linda asked, observing him, to know if he bought their act. And from 
his reaction, he was so tensed that Mercy might destroy his plans of getting married to her. 
"Fred, you said something just now" Linda asked 
And Fred who saw himself as making a mistake decided to beg Linda for them to have their 
way immediately before Mercy try something stupid. 
"But we don't have cash at the moment" 
"Don't worry, I have already gotten the money. It was deposited into my account" 
"Good to know. So, how many people are coming for the wedding?" 
"Linda, I had initially had the intention of inviting as many people as I want, but from the 
look of things, I want it to be only my siblings, my mother said she is not coming." 
"OK, I would like to have their names and their passport. We need to start preparing their 
travel documents right away." Linda was still speaking when Mercy's text message beeped 
her phone 
"Linda, please try and see me as soon as possible, I'm anxious to hear the game you were 
talking about. You can come to my house, I'm driving straight home right now" the message 
"Um, I would like to talk to my Maid of honour, to also seek for her opinion on the colour my 
bridesmaid will wear" Linda said, dialing Mercy's number, acting as if she was talking to her 
Chief Bridesmaid. 
"Hello, Isabella... how far? Please I need to see you right now, its urgent. ....... Yes, it's about 
my wedding. We need to see so that you will help me choose the colour, you know we don't 
have much time left... Yes......yes..... OK you are at home? Better, I'm driving straight to your 
house right now...... OK..bye" She ended the call and then looked at Fred and said: "She is 
my very good friend. I appointed her to serve as my Chief bridesmaid. So I would love to 
meet her right away" 
"Sure....sure.... OK then, till you return." Fred said. 
And she grabbed her hand bag and then left. 
Mercy already knew she was the one Linda was talking to, so she drove straight to her house 
to wait for her. 
Immediately Linda left, Fred called his sister on phone: "Caro, tell me the truth, who else did 
you tell about my wedding? Answer me now" 
"No, I only told Mandy and no one else" Caro answered 
"You told who, but I warned you not tell anybody. Let me warn you, better pray that this 
wedding holds, otherwise, you will regret ever having me as a brother. You cant even keep a 
simple instruction." Fred angrily hissed and ended the call 
"I just hope that grumpy Mercy doesn't carryout her threat, otherwise blood will flow." Fred 
Minutes later, Linda stormed Mercy's house. The moment she saw how confused and anxious 
she looked, she burst into laughter. 
"Sister Mercy, just relax. I have come to satisfy your curiosity." 
"Linda, I want to hear everything, stop keeping me in the dark... Oh my God, this is making 
me go crazy. I want to hear everything"

"OK Sis, since you have found out, I will tell you everything... You see, the reason I kept 
things to myself was because, I wanted to have this revenge on my own. I wanted you to be 
proud of me. You know you always say that I hardly reason when it comes to Fred, so that's 
why I decided to be acting alone, so that such perception can be erased from your eyes. You 
have done a lot trying to help me deal with my issues. So I decided to singlehandedly deal 
with Fred. This is my battle, Sis. I was the one he hurt, I'm the one feeling the pains. So my 
heart will finally rejoice if I succeed in achieving this goal, alone. And besides, I don't want 
to bother you anymore with my problems." 
"Linda, you are wrong. You hear me? You are very wrong. Who told you that I will be 
bothered, helping my own sister? Linda, we are in this world for one another. No one can 
survive on his own. Its my duty as the eldest sister to look after my siblings. So please, allow 
me perform my duty. Lili look at me" Mercy requested, holding her on the shoulder. 
"You can never be a bothering to me, OK? Even if you call me at midnight, crying that you 
need my help, I will gladly render my help. And don't ever think that I'm not proud of you. I 
am my dear.... I am so proud of you, don't you know what you are? A great woman, the CEO 
of Nigeria's giant fashion industry. You have made all of us proud. But apart from that, I'm so 
proud of you my Darling Sister. So discard such notion that you are a bothering to me with 
your issues.... No, you are not and I will never stop protecting my sister." 
And Linda smiled listening to Mercy, nodding to some of the things she was saying. 
"Now tell me, how far have you gone with your revenge?" Mercy asked 
"Sis, I have a lot to gist you about. Did you know that Fred spiked my juice, entered my room 
and stole some documents I hid in my wardrobe?" 
"What?" Mercy shouted, standing agape, closing her mouth in shock. 
"Relax.....just sit down, I have not even started."
"But wait, what happened, have you recovered the documents?"

"Sister, I said you should sit down first" 
"Linda, you shouldn't be calm at something like this, this is a serious matter" Mercy said, 
after noticing how calm Linda was" 
"Sis, the documents he stole are the fake ones. Before you even advised me to remove them 
from the house, I have already taken them to where it will be safe." 
"Wow! Are you for real?" 
"Yes, I have successfully countered Fred's every possible move" Linda began narrating 
everything to Mercy. 
And she was marveled: "Linda, you are too much. Come on! I love this!! This is what I'm 
talking about mehn! So the fool has sold his landed properties all for a wedding that will 
never take place? This story is so so interesting. Linda, I throw away salute, because your 
strategies are very perfect." 
"Yes, so that was why I choose Dubai. Because after making payment for the hall, buying 
dresses, paying for the catering services, then the money will be exhausted. And you know, 
there is no refund after payment. The caterer won't refund you your money after they must 
have finished cooking the food you paid for... That's why I chose marriage, promising him 
that once we get married, all my wealth will be transferred to him. So the greedy fool agreed 
to all I said without even raising any question" 
"But how did you convince him to get such amount?" 
"I told him that, you are the one in charge of my money. That we agreed that once I'm 
married, you will be relieved from that duty." Linda explained

"And the hopeless fool agreed just like that?" Mercy asked 
"To tell the truth, I never expected him to agree so easily. He did not even react to it or ask 
any question" 
"I think it's because, he still see you as that naive young lady he used to know, the one who 
was stupidly in love with him, that's why he believed everything without raising brows" 
"I think so. But the issue now is how to travel to Dubai with him" 
"Linda, are you the one saying this thing? You don't need to get to Dubai. Internet has made 
things much easier. Control everything online." 
"But what about the travel documents? At least he will need proofs that he is not being 
played" Linda asked 
"That one is not a problem. He has met with Ernest, right?" 
And Linda said "yes" 
"Then collect his credentials, and tell him that its for the documents. That you guys shouldn't 
stress yourself, going to Dubai until the wedding week." 
"This is a good idea. Yes Sis, you have a point, its exactly what I will do" 
"Good, but what about Charles, that means you will postpone your introduction, so that you 
deal with Fred once and for all. Because, I don't know for how long you can be able to keep 
the secret. You know he is the Governor's son and there is no way the news won't go viral "

"No Sister, have you forgotten the reason I agreed to this introduction? You know Fred will 
put up a fight after discovering that he is doomed, and I'm sure he will use those abortions to 
get back at me. So I'm trying to see, if I can get pregnant before that time, so that even if he 
rant loudly, nobody will believe him." 
"But Linda, you should know one thing, pregnancy doesn't come when one is under tension. 
Believe me, it won't. See, that can not be your best criteria for checking your fertility." 
"But Mercy, I have to try. You don't know how terrible and horrible I feel about myself each 
time I remember those mistakes. I even see myself as a murderer, there was no single 
conscience in me. I feel so worthless. So this is the only way to do this. As for becoming a 
public affair, I have already pleaded with Charles not to invite outsiders. Its just an 
introduction and much people are not even needed. He agreed, but promised to talk to his 
family. I just hope they will agree. I will even call him now to know how far with his family" 
"OK Linda, which ever way you do it, I just pray things turn out fine." 
"Yes, it will, you know Fred thought that the documents in his possessions are the originals, 
so he won't suspect me that much, because he will be thinking that I can't do anything 
"Hmm, have to be careful with him, you know he is dangerous and you are still 
housing him." 
"Don't worry, I have known Fred, and how to handle him" 
Few days later, Linda succeeded in convincing Fred to pay for the hall and catering services 
"But are you sure they are not fraudsters, how can you do business with somebody you don't 
"Come on Fred, don't tell me you don't know about shopping online?"
"I do, but the money we are talking about here is very huge." 
"What are you telling me? But I have told you on several occasions how people pay millions 
of naira to us online and their goods will be delivered to them, isn't that huge sums of money 
as well? Fred, are you sure you are willing to be my husband?" 
"Off course I do" 
"Then stop crying about money. Let's book this hall before other people take it, you know we 
have already fixed a date.. And the good thing is that, we are using your money for the 
wedding. If you see how Mercy tightened access to my company's account, you will even 
pity her for going through such stress all in the aim of jeopardizing the wedding" Linda said, 
laughing out hard...and continued 
"But it will be a slap on her face when the truth come flashing on her eyes that we did the 
wedding after all, a society wedding for that matter.." Linda said, and continued laughing as 
Fred joined suit, laughing out loud. 
He said in his heart: "I pity you Linda....see how you are laughing at the storm that is about 
rocking you off your boat" 
While Linda was also busy taunting Fred in her heart: "Fred, just laugh now, laugh as much 
as you can because soon, laughing hard like this will be very far from your imagination" 
So after everything, Fred accepted to make the payments online. 
Both the hall, and the catering services cost about 10million in Naira equivalent. 
"Now, we are done with the hall and the foods. Now time to pick our dresses." 
"Are they going to send it here?" Fred asked 
"No, it will be ready before we arrive Dubai... You know we will be in Dubai 6 days to our 
wedding, so if there will be any amendment, there will be enough day to take care of that. Or Page 230 
we can still demand it shifted to us here in Nigeria before the date. Which ever way we do it, 
can still serve. Now, let's choose our wedding attire" Linda said, browsing through the sites 
of the company that deal on wedding attires. 
"Yea, this one is very beautiful... Wow! I will look beautiful in it, right?" 
"Yes, but let's check the price first" Fred said 
"What? Huge money..OK let me check the naira equivalent" Fred said and then calculated 
"4.2 million naira? Did you see that? Its 4.2 million naira..." 
"And?" Linda asked 
"Can't you see? Just for a wedding gown, you are spending millions?" 
"Fred, I have told you that, if you truly want to be my husband, you should learn how to live 
an extravagant lifestyle. Can't you see that the dress worth it and you are here shouting. 
Please I've already sent it to the cart... We are buying it. Now choose your own suit and 
please, choose an expensive one" Linda said 
And he chose suit of N150 thousand, saying that it s the one he wanted. 
"Now, jewelries" Linda said choosing a set of 3.4million naira jewelries. 
Fred wasn't so happy that they had to spend such a huge amount on wedding, but because he 
had a target, he decided to mellow down. 
"But Linda, are we not forgetting something?" 
"What's that?"
"Your family, are you not inviting them?" 
"Those people? But I thought I have explained this to you before? They have never supported 
our relationship right from time, so I don't expect them to attend, and now Mercy is fighting 
against us, they will all support her, you know she controls everyone. That one is not 
something I should be worried about now. I know with time, they will come to accept you, 
after realising how much you love me. I have my few cousins and friends who will attend." 
"OK oo, I just say, I should ask" 
"Fred, I have succeeded in swindling you of all your money, just remaining the few ones in 
your account. I must make sure you loose everything. No kobo should remain in your 
pocket." Linda said 
The day they fixed for her introduction was drawing near. 
And she was already feeling nervous. 
"What if after sleeping with Charles, and nothing happened? I'm so scared." She feared 
Just remaining 7 hours to the introduction ceremony, Charles' mother brought out the cloth 
she will wear for the event, but discovered that the zip had problem. 
"No, what is this now? And this is the cloth I want to wear for this event... Since there is still 
time, its better I take it to Lili's, so that they will fix it." She said and then changed to another 
wear and asked the driver to take her to Lili's Collections. 
Linda and Mercy were already in the village, for the ceremony. 
She went straight to Mandy and declared for an attention. 
"Don't worry Ma, we will get it fixed immediately" Mandy said, and collected the cloth from 
here, went to the sewing room and gave it to one of their best tailors to have it fixed.

So on returning the cloth to her, she overhead the Governor's wife speaking to someone over 
the phone. 
"Yes, I'm at my daughter in-laws fashion company. Yes, my son is doing her introduction 
today. Yes, Linda.... We will soon travel to their village.... If you like you can join us........ 
Sorry naa, sorry I did not tell you on time, my son pleaded that he doesn't want to make it a 
public affair, so that's why we kept it a secret, but on the wedding day, our friends and well 
wishers will be invited" 
"What did I just hear? But I thought Caro said that her brother is making plans of marrying 
Linda?.... Wow! I am happy she is marrying the Governor's son and not Fred" Mandy said in 
her heart dropping the cloth. 
And the woman signaled "thank you 
And Mandy then nodded, showing that she saw her. 
When she returned to her office, she quickly called Caro's cellphone. It rang, but there was 
no response.. 
She called upto 5 times, but Caro did not answer. 
"Caro, answer your call now. I can't wait to hear how Fred's plan of marrying Linda was 
shattered. I can't wait to hear the gist. I'm happy Madam Linda did not marry that evil 
man..I'm so happy." She said to herself and then dialed one more time, but still, no response 
"Where did she went to forgetting her phone?" Mandy asked, dropping her phone on the 
office table and continued with her work. Few hours later, her phone rang. 
"Yes Caro, what's up? Where did you left your phone?" 
"Sorry about that, I was busy at the back yard" 
"Caro, please tell me something..... What's up with your brother and Linda?" 
"Nothing new, still on the wedding preparation."

"Are you sure? Because right now, Charles, the Governor's son is at Linda's home town for 
her introduction ceremony" 
"Its not possible Mandy, because even as we speak, my brother is staying at her house. 
Maybe, its another Linda, and not the one we know."
"Caro, I am 100% sure of what I'm saying. I don't know, maybe their wedding was cancelled" 
"OK, then I will call him and ask him" Caro said 
"OK better, but please don't forget to tell me what you two discussed, I'm eager to hear the 
gist" Mandy requested 
Immediately they ended the call, Caro called her brother asking him what happened between 
him and his Fiancée. 
"Nothing, why the question? " 
"I am asking because, Linda is having her wedding Introduction today. I heard it from a 
reliable source" 
Fred then smiled faintly and said that, its not possible. 
"I don't know who is saying the truth, but I just called to tell you what I heard." 
"You don't have to worry about that, I have been living with her for months now, and I can 
clearly confirm that she is no longer dating the man and besides, he hasn't visited her in this 
house. So relax, and besides, who gave you this ridiculous information?" 

"Your ex-wife" 
"That one? I thought as much, you are listening to that rumour monger. Please discard what 
ever she tells you." 
"Alright, so how is the preparation going?" Caro asked 
"Its going smoothly. Hope you are getting prepared as well?" 
"Yes brother, I can't wait to touch Dubai. All thanks to you and your wife, I will be visiting a 
foreign land." 
"Gerraway you...just Dubai you are jubilating like this, bush girl like you.." Fred teased 
"Yes oo, let it be, even if it's Ghana, I will still jubilate, at least I will get to see different 
environment and different people" 
"OK Madam, stop burning up your airtime, I have to go now" 
"Ok Bye" 
And they ended the call..... 
"From where did Mandy got this ridiculous information from, and why did she had to tell my 
sister about it....? Whatever it is, she should just mind her own business." 
Fred said, dropping her phone 
One hour later, his phone rang and it was Oteme. 
"Oteme, what's up?"
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"Fred, I talkam, but you no wan listen"..? Oteme said 
"You talk wetin?" Fred asked 
"I told you that Linda was playing you but you refused to listen to me." 
"Oteme, what is it this time?" Fred asked 
"Right now, I am in front of Linda's compound in the village" 
"Doing what?" 
"Her marriage introduction is taking place. As I'm speaking to you know, the Governor's son 
with his family are here already for the ceremony. Though, they locked the gate, they are 
only allowing the people they know inside. So I can't get into their compound, otherwise, I 
would have sent you some photos. But music is playing inside" 
"I don't know what is going on again oo.. My sister called me few minutes ago, telling me the 
same thing. I don't think I should ignore this warning again. Please give me direction to that 
place. I must see things for myself, to confirm if its true. Just send me direction, please." Fred 
requested, rushing inside to change his cloth. 
"OK, I'm texting it to you now" Oteme said.... 
Linda was becoming scared that Fred might storm the place and obstruct the peaceful 
"Linda, you don't have to be worried, there is enough security here, and besides, uninvited 
guests are not allowed inside" 
"Sis, I think I made a mistake, I should have been through with swindling Fred of all his 
money, so that even if he do anything extra ordinary, I won't feel bad that much"
"But he has lost enough money already" 
"No Sis, he still has upto 2.something million in his account, such amount of money is more 
than enough for a smart person to start up afresh. So I wouldn't want that with Fred, I want to 
strip him of all his money, he will go homeless, he will become poor stricken.. My only 
desire is to see him return to the village. I have studied him closely and discovered that he 
doesn't have good friends that can support him after hitting him hard. Sis, I'm burning in 
anger for this revenge. See now, today is supposed to be my happy day, but I am so scared to 
the bones. I'm so scared of my future, scared if I will be able to give my husband a child, all 
because of that horrible man..." Linda said, as her eyes flashed red in rage. 
"Lili, please don't allow that swine to interrupt your happiness. You are the reason for this 
occasion, you are the reason we are here, so I want you to cheer up and be happy.... Now 
smile for me, smile the shining star of our family. Today is your day my Darling sis, so be 
happy for us, OK" 
"OK, thank you Sister Mercy, please promise me that, in my next world, you will still be my 
elder sister" 
"Off course, I will...." Mercy said and they laughed out softly... 
"There is an idea that came to me now" Linda said 
"What's that?" 
"I don't know if Fred has found out the truth or not, who knows, he might probably be on his 
way here. So I want to give him a call, to see if he knows something or maybe distract him" 
"That's a good idea.... But wait, before we do that, let me tell the DJ to stop the music, so that 
the background won't be sounding like a ceremonial place" 
"Ok, good idea" Linda said.. 
So Mercy left and told the DJ to stylishly stop the music, and that he should not on it until she 
ask him to do so. So the DJ did as he was told.. 
Linda then called Fred and noticed the wave coming through his line. 
"Where are you?" Linda asked 
"Why is she asking me where am I?" Fred ask himself and then replied her: "I'm heading to 
"OK, I just called to inform you that you will be joining me in the office today. You know 
soon, you will become the owner, so its better you start getting familiar with the business. 
The workload is much, so I would need your help because we will work night today. Mercy 
won't be around, because she is not feeling too fine. So I want you to get ready, before 6pm, 
the driver will come and pick you.... And please, don't tell me you won't come, please..." 
Linda said 
And Fred became so confused.. 
"Does it mean she is......... OK let me ask her"......: " Please, tell me where are you at this 
moment? " 
"At the office off course, why are you asking?" 
"Because somebody just told me that you are getting married today, that the Governor's son is 
doing your introduction today" 
"My dear, the man is truly getting married today, to one Linda like that, who is also from 
same village as me. So because I told him that I can't marry him, he decided to get back at me 
by marrying a girl who is fro my village. That's his business, not mine, he think I will be 
bothered, I'm not... Soon, his jaw will dropped after finding out that I'm married too. But wait 
a minute, don't tell me you actually believed that I'm the person he is getting married to?"

" was only asking...... I know you love me so much and won't........disappoint me" 
"Good my love, just get ready, the driver will come and pick you by 6, OK?" 
"Alright" Fred said, ending the call and heaved a sigh of relief. 
"Sister Mercy, tell the DJ to put on the music" Linda requested 
And the music became live again. 
So Mercy stormed inside, asking her about the call 
"Can you imagine! Somebody already informed him about the wedding" 
"Are you serious? But how did he find out?" 
"Sis, this is one if the disadvantages of being a public figure, all your life activities are prone 
to public affairs and entertainment. But good thing I made the call when I did." 
After ending the call, Fred quickly called Oteme and warned him to stop feeding his head 
with negative things against Linda 
"What are you saying Fred? I'm right infront of their compound. Can't you hear the sound of 
the music playing from the background" Oteme said, as Fred's mind reflected on Linda's call 
he received, and remembered there was nothing like music, the environment was noiseless. 
"Oteme, you had her confused, she is not my own Linda.. I have told you before that, I did 
not give you work to track Linda for me, she is my person, I think I'm in a better position to 
dictate any suspicious activities around her and besides, I'm living in the same house with 
her, when did she have the chance to make all that arrangement?" 
"Fred listen to...." 
"Enough Oteme, enough of this nonsense, you hear me..aaah" Fred became infuriated and 
hung up on him.. 
"Heeey! Look at this one I'm trying to help and he is showing me attitude...... And besides, 
why am I even stressing myself, helping this fool... I better remove my mind from the money 
because he is not the one playing the game, Linda is the one who is pressing the button. I'm 
off from here..." Oteme angrily left. 
Fred who was about going to Linda's village asked the bike man who was driving him to the 
park to turn back. 
"Yes, take me back to where you picked me, please" he said 
And the bike man did as he was told..


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