#TRYBENOBLE: A Few Good Men & A Picture Of My Wife Cooking


It’s been really long since the last time I wrote ‘Memoirs of a SLUshhkid’ and just like you reading it, I miss sharing all the awesomeness that’s my life.
memoirs_slushhkid (1)The last time I wrote memoirs, 2Shots was still an artist; Durela was still fighting D’banj for ‘stealing his style’, Naeto C was a rapper, Iyanya was an RnB artist and Facebook was our Instagram.

A lot of things have changed from that time till date but I can almost swear you have not read anything better than ‘Memoirs of a Slushhkid’. If you don’t take my word for it, ask your mum.

It’s 2016, I’m married and I’m not sure you guys will be interested in reading about my marriage, even though it appears that some of you might want to see a picture of my wife cooking. To that effect, I have decided to include a picture of her in the kitchen at the end of this article to make some people know that I married for them and that I will like to live with them dictating how we live as husband and wife.

Moving on quickly, I really want to start a weekly column but I’m still unsure of the day of the week to post, so I’d leave that to you guys to decide in the comment section, but before then we need to agree on a name for the column.

I’m thinking we should go with ‘TrybeNoble’ because I really want this to be a community of friends with common interest in fashion and lifestyle who get together once in a while for lunch or dinner. However, if you have a better title, suggest and we’d look into it but make sure there’s Trybe in there.

I moved to Lagos in 2005 on an Ifesinachi ‘night’ bus from Aba leaving behind a Trybe I grew up with and the dreams we had. Back then, most travelers were expected to call at every town to update the Trybe back home about their trip. Unfortunately, mobile networks had no or poor ‘service’ in most places then. Well, apart from pioneer mobile telecoms company, Airtel (they were still Econet at the time).
 IfesinachiLagos was not so different from Aba except that it had more houses, people ready to dupe you and women with boobs spilling out of their tight tops. It was as described in the books and papers, only this time, I was witnessing it first-hand.
As a ‘Johnny Just Come’, I had already informed my Lagos Trybe (mostly people I went to school with) that I was coming because I didn’t want to move in with my cousin, Og  who had offered me a place at his girlfriend’s flat in Gbagada. I eventually stayed there sha.
Nnenna, Baseman, Chinwe, OGB, Chigioke and I during my wedding. These people were my first Trybe!.Nnenna, Baseman, Chinwe, OGB, Chigioke and I during my wedding. These people were my first Trybe!.

You are probably wondering why he trusted me so much to let me live with his girlfriend. You see, to Igbos “Nwanne di mba”and “mmadu anaghi egbu onye oga eso welu kwa”.

Living with ‘C’ was the best thing that happened to me until that night I walked into her room…

…to be continued
#TRYBENOBLE: A Few Good Men & A Picture Of My Wife Cooking #TRYBENOBLE: A Few Good Men & A Picture Of My Wife Cooking Reviewed by Chris Jordan on October 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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