Episode 15

Before Linda arrived her company, Fred had already briefed one of the journalists about the secret box.
He acted as if he was in a haste so that the Journalist will not press him with questions on how he got to know about it.
He only told him that it was an insider who gave him the information.
After Mandy dropped the box, she contacted Fred, informing him where and how she hid the box.
She hid it under a staircase.
Few minutes after the journalists swooped into the building with their cameras flashing through the places, Mercy ushered them into the room they were labelling "alleged evil room".
But before then, Fred had already called Mandy to leave the place.
After some minutes, one of the journalists said: "This is just a normal room, and its so different from what was alleged against the company. It now looks like a mere accusation"
"Yes, its very true" another Journalist affirmed
Then the Journalist whom Fred had already briefed suggests: "Ma'am, since the rumors flying round are different from what we have seen here, can we use this opportunity to have the company in camera so as to clear the minds of people and for your own image to be redeemed as well?"
"Alright, feel free" Linda agreed
And they left. The journalist who was so eager to know if what Fred told him was actually true, went straight to the direction he gave him.
He then brought out the box, asking Linda what was inside.
"Where did you get that?" Linda asks
"Madam, I found it under the staircase of this building, can you please explain what it's for?" The journalist boldly asks
"Explain what? You can as well explain what is inside, where you not the one who brought it here?" Mercy attacks verbally
The journalist was not buying what they were saying. He placed the box on the floor and opened it. All the people around exclaimed in shock at what they found inside.
The fingers of a new born baby were found inside with a red cloth.
And the camera began flashing uncontrollably all over Linda. She sat down dumbfounded and confused.
"No, there has been a conspiracy here. This is a set up. This is not true" Linda says, trying to clear herself, flashing her eyes on all the cameras pointing at her.
Mercy who was dumbfounded, racing in her mind, trying to figure out who was behind it all. None came to her at the moment. She looked at her poor sister, and was touched so dearly. She knew that Linda was the soft hearted type. She can easily break down on any little thing.: "Linda dear, I won't allow them to destroy you like this. I know what you must be thinking now, that the world is over for you, but no, this is just the beginning of your starting point"
She then stormed in the middle, and obstructed the cameras from further capturing Linda's face. She stood bold looking at all the journalists who were throwing different questions at Linda. And she angrily vents: "What kind of questions are you guys asking her? How can you believe anything without verifying the authenticity? This is a clear set up. I want to say this loud and clear, I know that the people behind all these are watching or hearing my voice, but I'm assuring you all that, no matter how much you try, the truth will always prevail. Lili's collections has made name for herself through natural and godly means, so anybody battling with us is battling with the same God who has brought us this far, and I'm sure he never
forsakes nor disappoint those who trust in him." She continued
"In a nutshell of my statement, we will never rest until the people behind all these get exposed and rest behind the walls of the prison cells. This is a promise. For all those who love and support us, this is the time we need your earnest prayers, for those who believe that we are guilty of all these scandalous accusations, I won't blame you, but if I were you, I will pray for the truth to be unveiled, and for our enemies to be unmasked. Just do it for us. Believe me, you will be glad when the truth finally comes out, that you later made the prayer. Thank you all and please, you can now leave the company?" Mercy orders the journalists....
And the bodyguards Linda appointed started ordering them out of the company.
Linda who was crying profusely walked into the room, laid on the bed crying her eyes out.
Majority of the workers knew that it was a frame up. They went inside the room and started consoling her.
"Madam, you shouldn't worry, those people will be exposed." One of the workers consoled
"Since that day I read the news, I knew that somebody was trying something evil against this prosperous company. Somebody is trying to ruin the image of this company. But that box, how did it get here? Does it means we have a Judas among us? Because an outsider can not comfortably walk into that place and keep it. And also the reporter, how come he knew that something was there? Because I saw how he went straight to the place and brought out the box. What if he was acting under someone's directive? Can you imagine the room somebody called secret room? Are we not in the room now? Or is today the first time we are entering this room?" Peter who was also a worker asked his colleagues
And they said "No" in unison
"You sure have a point, Peter." Mercy said from behind, entering the room.
"Can I see all of you outside please?" She demanded
And they all stepped outside the room.
She walked to where Linda was lying shedding tears and said: "Linda, I want you to be strong."
"Mercy, how can I be strong where everything have been ruined. My image has been tainted"
"Linda, where is your faith? Like I said before, the truth will always prevail"
"Sister, I am scared now, the police might be arriving here any minute to arrest me"
Linda fears
"Linda, I want you to keep calm, I want you to be strong, let's wrap our heads together and fish out the people behind this. I have already hired a private investigator, and he is on his way now. Trust me, the perpetrators can never go unpunished. They chose the wrong sisters to mess with, Lili's Collections has come to stay and we ain't going back. I want you to be strong, don't show your enemies that you are weak. Seeing you strong will even get them confused. So I want to know if you are with me on this, if you are with me on finding the truth?" Mercy boldly asks
And Linda looking at Mercy, a new feeling of boldness entered her. And she stood up, cleaning her face and said: "Sister, I don't know what Lili's collect I on would be without you. Now, let's figure out who is behind all these" and the two sisters boldly stepped out, facing their workers who were also ready to help redeem the image of the company.
Linda had always treated her workers with respect and love. And because of that, their respect, love, admiration for her can never be overemphasized. They were willing to help at any cost.
So Mercy cleared throat, trying to address them, she then discovered that Stella(Mandy) was missing.
"Wait a minute! Where is Stella?" She asks
"Ma, she came this morning and left almost immediately" One of the workers answered
And Mercy's mind flashed to what her instinct told her the first day Mandy came to the company.
She quickly turned to Linda who was also thinking the same thing.
"Could it be she is actually Fred's wife? Oh! I think she is! She is his wife... I knew it.. I shouldn't have left down my guard. I think we should go to her place right now. Get her record, let's check for her address" Mercy orders
Linda was so confused on the whole thing. She decided to call Osita to ask him about it, but he was not answering.
"Guys, we all need to find Stella. Stella might not really be her real name, her name might be Mandy, if she is actually the person I'm insinuating she is. But we all need to find her first." And the workers began looking at themselves, making assurances that they will find her.
Fred who later left the place after seeing how the event turned out joyfully went straight to his office. He couldn't stop checking the social media.
The negative comments pouring in were sweetening him to the bones. The news were all over news websites, blogs, and other social media platforms.
"Linda, you made me stopped enjoying reading news online, because of fear of stumbling on a wonderful article they carry about you. But now, I can log in peace, because I'm enjoying all the things I'm seeing and reading now. Am I not too much. See how it took me just two days to destroy what it took you 2 years to build, am I not too much?" He said, laughing out loudly......
Just then, he remembered the pictures he and Linda took when they were still in school, the one he showed the online reporter.
"That picture? Oh my! That picture is on the table. I forgot to hide them back after glancing through them this morning. Oh no no! Mandy should not see them. She should not see them, I hope she is not home yet."
He the quickly put a call through Mandy, but her number was switched off.
"Oh no no! I need to get home now, she shouldn't see those pictures...." Fred said, rushing out..
To be continued


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