Episode 14

Linda never saw the blow coming. She then left herself on the floor and burst into tears.
"Mercy, I am scared. Do you think people will actually believe this?" She fears
"Linda, this is not time for questions, that reporter needs to be contacted. Infact he has gotten himself into trouble by trying to mess with us. That same hands he used to type those rubbish, he will use them to beg for mercy. So Linda, this is not time for cries, its time for action. Give me your hand. Stand up and give me your hand" Mercy demands, stretching out her own hands to Linda, looking so serious.
And Linda stood up, offered out her own hands. Mercy held them tightly and uttered: "Linda, look at me!"
And Linda heeded.
"Listen, I don't want you to break down because of this. Like I told you before, with the weight you are growing, you are bound to have enemies. So it seems my predictions have come to light. I had always feared this moment, but one thing is sure, we are pure. Your wealth and fame is from God, no matter what the enemy does, we will emerge victorious, so I think our trying times have come. But not to worry, because one with God is majority. Very soon it will pass. Just tell me, have you seen any successful man on earth who has not pass through one challenge or the other? So this temptations means you are on the right track of becoming the great person you are made to be. So relax, chill, don't panic, I'm with you on this. We are going to face this challenge head on. Our reputation can not be soiled like this, never, so look at me right in the eyes" Mercy boldly requests
And Linda raised her head, looking at Mercy's eyes which were filled with all assurances and protections. Looking more at Mercy's eyes, all the fear in her heart were stripped off, a new feeling of boldness and faith rained all over her.
And she said: "Sister, thank you. I became scared at the moment forgetting all the important details of achieving greatness. Exactly, this is one of them. Thank you Sis, I'm not scared anymore. This person chose the wrong Lady to mess with. My key protection is that I'm innocent of all the rubbish they wrote, and that's my weapon of soaring higher, I'm unstoppable"
The sisters were still rekindling their faith when their business phone started ringing.
"Don't worry I will get this" Linda said, heading to grab the phone.
When she answered, it was one of her dedicated customers.
"Good morning Linda!"
"Good Morning Ma, how are you?" Linda asked in a cheerful tone
"Ow, she is sounding as if nothing happened, its like she has not read the news" the Lady quarried in her heart and then asked: "Linda, have you read the news this morning? There is one article written about you, and it has gotten everybody talking"
"My dear, that is how I saw it o. It means that my enemies are at work. I have dedicated all my time to my business, it still sound ridiculous on how somebody
would just wake up to see me destroyed. I know the God I serve, he will expose and disgrace them one by one"
The caller was impressed on how Linda sounded. She trusted Linda and knew that she is innocent of all the accusations.
"Yes Linda, I know its not true. The matter is very simple. Arrest the reporter for defamation, he must surely regret his actions. Don't worry, God will never forsake you, it is well"
And Linda appreciated her for believing in her, and they ended the call.
As she was dropping the phone, another call, but this one supported what the article said. Immediately Linda pressed the green button, she started raining abuses on her. That she is burning all the clothes she sewed for her. She even went ahead to accuse Linda that she was the reason she started having serious problems in her marriage. That ever since she started wearing the clothes she sew for her, she started facing serious challenges in her home.
"Linda, its God that will punish you, thank God you have been exposed, evil woman" the woman abused and disconnected the call, without caring to hear Linda's own side of the story.
The woman's harsh abusive words almost pierced her heart, but her mind was fixed on the inspirational words Mercy filled her heads with.
And she took a deep breath, placed her right hand on her chest and assured herself that it's well: "Linda, don't let them get to you, this storm will soon be over. You have a God who never fail"
She then dropped the phone, headed to the bathroom to take her bath.
Mercy on the other hand had received series of abusive and insulting calls, but she did not relay them to her sister, in other not to add to her worries. She only told her about the ones who called to render their support.
Fred was jubilating in all happiness.
"Yes I did it.. Linda, this is just one blow, just wait for what is coming next. How dare you Linda? How dare you think you can make it without me? You know I wouldn't have left you if you had told me you have such great potentials in you. You made me leave and married Mandy, who I thought will be better than you in all ramifications, not knowing that that one is just empty brain, whose ambition is only to be working under somebody........ So Linda, I will now watch you fall, believe me, it will be so interesting"
So in a cheerful mood, he left the room to have a cup of water and met Mandy watching television.
" Baby, you are not going to work today?" He asks looking surprise
"Work? I'm not going back there o, before her evil shadow fall on me too"
"No no, this is not what we agreed on. I said you will continue going there until I ask you to stop"
"Like seriously? Not possible Fred, I'm not returning to that place." Mandy declines
"Baby, I really need you to be there. Our job is not yet complete. OK, now listen to me. Journalists will full her place today to have an interview with her. She will fight every means to redeem herself and make the news look fake. But you being there will definitely prevent this from happening. The
world need to see who she really is. So we are truly on the right here, and believe me, God will be highly proud of us for doing his job. So Mandy dear, help me expose her and see that she rot behind bars."
"OK, I will go, but I'm making it clear now, it will be only today. Did you hear me? Only today."
"Don't worry, after today, I won't bother you again, I promise" Fred says
"OK, so what do I need to do there again?" Mandy asks
"Come let me show you something." Fred said, drawing Mandy as they entered the room.
He then showed her a dark brown box.
"Baby, you see this box, it's a special device that collects data of all the events that happened around it, it can cover all the actions that took place in a particular building. So with this, we can know what Linda is up to. We can catch her red handed."
"But Baby, I really don't understand. This device.. What you just said sounded so impossible. I don't understand" Mandy says, trying to open it
"No! No! You shouldn't open it. Its already sealed. The person who created it strictly advised me not to open it. This is just like a network. It also has battery inside which can last for 20days."
"Really? Baby, to tell you the truth, your explanations does not add up...seriously, it does not" Mandy wonders
"Baby, I would have loved to explain further, but as you can see, we don't have enough time here, you should get prepared and be there early so that they will not suspect anything. When you get there, look for a place where no eyes can see easily and drop it there. Don't allow anybody to see you." Fred instructs
"Baby, see what you are asking me to do, don't you know its too risky? What if somebody sees me?" Mandy fears
"Nobody will see you Baby, because you are very smart. That's why I'm entrusting you with this job. Very soon you will become a hero. Trust me.. Now, go and get prepared, there is no time to waste any longer."
And Mandy reluctantly agreed and left to get prepared. She then put the box inside her bag and left.
When Linda and her Sister, Mercy reached office, journalists had already flooded her company's gate waiting for her. She knew that something like that would happen, so she arranged for 3 body guards to help her get inside in case violence erupts.
As soon as her car reached, they approached throwing questions at her.
The bodyguards wanted to clear them from the way, but she ordered them to stop, that she wanted to address some few things.
She then stepped in their midst and said: "What do you want to hear? That I'm a ritualist or what? All I know is that I'm clean from all the accusations they are leveling against me. I will wait for that reporter who made such ridiculous accusations to come forward and answer when, where and how such things came to be. He said that an insider categorically told him that I have some skeletons inside my cupboard. So I will not remain quiet until I clear my name from all this rubbish because I'm innocent."
"But Madam, what about the secret room?" One journalist asks
"Secret room? This is so funny. At home, after I built my house, I couldn't live there all alone because its a very big house, then I pleaded with my sister to pack in with her family. And which they did. In that house, all the rooms are opened for anybody to enter because we are family. But here, how can I give strangers such authoriy? They are workers and workers should have their limits.
So that room they are talking about is also a room my sister and I used to sleep in whenever we needed to sleep in the office. Why am I explaining all these things to you? It will even be better I show you guys the room they are accusing me off" Linda said, inviting the journalists inside her company.
Fred who looked so unrecognizable stood outside watching what was happening.
Immediately the journalists entered inside, he screamed! Yes! Yes! Yes! This is it. Linda's final days are here. I can't wait to see what happened next


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